Have an (Exercise) Snack..


If you’ve met me, been treated by me or ever visited my social media, you’re probably already aware that I strongly believe that Exercise is Medicine and that every adult should strive to meet the recommended 150-300 minutes a week of moderate intense exercise to prevent disease and better manage chronic conditions. However, only 1 of every 3 American Adults meet this recommendation, the rest, achieving less than that recommended dosage on a regular basis and placing themselves at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and more. 

A new study, published by Preventative Medicine Reports looks at a new approach to encouraging regular exercise in older adults. Given many older adults cite lack of time as a prohibiting factor, this study looked at prescribing exercise ‘snacks’ or small bouts of regular exercise every day. Participants in this study completed one minute of functional exercise (30 seconds of body-weight push ups and 30 seconds of squats), each and every day for 24 weeks. 75% of these of this group completed at least half of the sessions, and as a group, significant improvements were noted at the end of the trial in maximal push-up and squat performance.

You can read this study in it’s entirety here: 

Feasibility and impact of a 1-minute daily functional exercise regimen prescribed to older adults by their primary care physician - ScienceDirect

Take-home message? Even a little effort can yield positive results. Every day, I work with people limited by pain, disability and fear. Issuing an exercise program, and expecting compliance, to an older adult who hasn’t participated in regular exercise since they were young or who associates exercise with pain, fatigue or fall risk is one of the biggest challenges faced by Physical Therapists on a daily basis. 

I frequently apply this idea of exercise ‘snacks’ to my patients, to help them gradually adjust to a more active lifestyle and too help them learn to see that exercise doesn’t have to be painful, exhausting or scary. I try to link these small bouts of exercise with everyday habits to make  remembering to exercise second nature, and improve compliance. Whether you’re older and trying to get more active, or a therapist or other healthcare professional trying to help your client become healthier, you can try my top five favorite exercise snacks to get the ball rolling.

  1. Sit to Stands - Every time you stand up off a chair, do it 5 times instead.

  2. Counter Push Ups - Every time you walk by the kitchen sink, do 10 Counter Push Ups.

  3. Single Leg Stand - Every time you brush your teeth, try to stand on one leg as long as you can.

  4. Loaded Carries - After each meal, carry a soup cans in each hand and walk 5 laps back and forth across the kitchen.

  5. Wall Angels - Put a post it note on a spot in the hallway and every time you pass it, perform 5 Wall Angels.

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